The Mission Statement of Glacier Presbytery Camp is: "We seek to Love God, Model Christ and Serve Others".
Our Vision Statement is: We desire to be a thriving camp & retreat ministry providing exceptional hospitality and programs —offering quality facilities, led by a community of people seeking to love God, model Christ & serve others. Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart, soul and strength (Deut. 6:5) and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our call is to serve our neighbor with excellence as if we were serving Jesus himself.

Everything we do as a Ministry is based on our Core Values:
These are our unchanging Foundational Values for the Ministry of Glacier Presbytery Camp:
• Christ Centered
• Biblically Based
• Missional
• Rooted in Hospitality
• Faithful
• Visionary
• For ALL God’s people
Our Ministry Values describe how we feel called to minister to our guests.
• Highly Relational
• Growth Oriented
• Quality Oriented
• Strong Leadership
• Creative